719 research outputs found

    Shape Completion using 3D-Encoder-Predictor CNNs and Shape Synthesis

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    We introduce a data-driven approach to complete partial 3D shapes through a combination of volumetric deep neural networks and 3D shape synthesis. From a partially-scanned input shape, our method first infers a low-resolution -- but complete -- output. To this end, we introduce a 3D-Encoder-Predictor Network (3D-EPN) which is composed of 3D convolutional layers. The network is trained to predict and fill in missing data, and operates on an implicit surface representation that encodes both known and unknown space. This allows us to predict global structure in unknown areas at high accuracy. We then correlate these intermediary results with 3D geometry from a shape database at test time. In a final pass, we propose a patch-based 3D shape synthesis method that imposes the 3D geometry from these retrieved shapes as constraints on the coarsely-completed mesh. This synthesis process enables us to reconstruct fine-scale detail and generate high-resolution output while respecting the global mesh structure obtained by the 3D-EPN. Although our 3D-EPN outperforms state-of-the-art completion method, the main contribution in our work lies in the combination of a data-driven shape predictor and analytic 3D shape synthesis. In our results, we show extensive evaluations on a newly-introduced shape completion benchmark for both real-world and synthetic data

    ScanComplete: Large-Scale Scene Completion and Semantic Segmentation for 3D Scans

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    We introduce ScanComplete, a novel data-driven approach for taking an incomplete 3D scan of a scene as input and predicting a complete 3D model along with per-voxel semantic labels. The key contribution of our method is its ability to handle large scenes with varying spatial extent, managing the cubic growth in data size as scene size increases. To this end, we devise a fully-convolutional generative 3D CNN model whose filter kernels are invariant to the overall scene size. The model can be trained on scene subvolumes but deployed on arbitrarily large scenes at test time. In addition, we propose a coarse-to-fine inference strategy in order to produce high-resolution output while also leveraging large input context sizes. In an extensive series of experiments, we carefully evaluate different model design choices, considering both deterministic and probabilistic models for completion and semantic inference. Our results show that we outperform other methods not only in the size of the environments handled and processing efficiency, but also with regard to completion quality and semantic segmentation performance by a significant margin.Comment: Video: https://youtu.be/5s5s8iH0NF

    Learning to Navigate the Energy Landscape

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    In this paper, we present a novel and efficient architecture for addressing computer vision problems that use `Analysis by Synthesis'. Analysis by synthesis involves the minimization of the reconstruction error which is typically a non-convex function of the latent target variables. State-of-the-art methods adopt a hybrid scheme where discriminatively trained predictors like Random Forests or Convolutional Neural Networks are used to initialize local search algorithms. While these methods have been shown to produce promising results, they often get stuck in local optima. Our method goes beyond the conventional hybrid architecture by not only proposing multiple accurate initial solutions but by also defining a navigational structure over the solution space that can be used for extremely efficient gradient-free local search. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on the challenging problem of RGB Camera Relocalization. To make the RGB camera relocalization problem particularly challenging, we introduce a new dataset of 3D environments which are significantly larger than those found in other publicly-available datasets. Our experiments reveal that the proposed method is able to achieve state-of-the-art camera relocalization results. We also demonstrate the generalizability of our approach on Hand Pose Estimation and Image Retrieval tasks

    ROCA: Robust CAD Model Retrieval and Alignment from a Single Image

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    We present ROCA, a novel end-to-end approach that retrieves and aligns 3D CAD models from a shape database to a single input image. This enables 3D perception of an observed scene from a 2D RGB observation, characterized as a lightweight, compact, clean CAD representation. Core to our approach is our differentiable alignment optimization based on dense 2D-3D object correspondences and Procrustes alignment. ROCA can thus provide a robust CAD alignment while simultaneously informing CAD retrieval by leveraging the 2D-3D correspondences to learn geometrically similar CAD models. Experiments on challenging, real-world imagery from ScanNet show that ROCA significantly improves on state of the art, from 9.5% to 17.6% in retrieval-aware CAD alignment accuracy

    Language-Grounded Indoor 3D Semantic Segmentation in the Wild

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    Recent advances in 3D semantic segmentation with deep neural networks have shown remarkable success, with rapid performance increase on available datasets. However, current 3D semantic segmentation benchmarks contain only a small number of categories -- less than 30 for ScanNet and SemanticKITTI, for instance, which are not enough to reflect the diversity of real environments (e.g., semantic image understanding covers hundreds to thousands of classes). Thus, we propose to study a larger vocabulary for 3D semantic segmentation with a new extended benchmark on ScanNet data with 200 class categories, an order of magnitude more than previously studied. This large number of class categories also induces a large natural class imbalance, both of which are challenging for existing 3D semantic segmentation methods. To learn more robust 3D features in this context, we propose a language-driven pre-training method to encourage learned 3D features that might have limited training examples to lie close to their pre-trained text embeddings. Extensive experiments show that our approach consistently outperforms state-of-the-art 3D pre-training for 3D semantic segmentation on our proposed benchmark (+9% relative mIoU), including limited-data scenarios with +25% relative mIoU using only 5% annotations.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, project page: https://rozdavid.github.io/scannet20